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 The text below is  the Pray-Kodex from around A.D. 1200. Dezső Pais presents

his rendering of this text in modern Hungarian




Láttyátuk feleim szüntükhel,

Mik vogymuk.  Isa por ës chomuu

vogymuk.  Mënyi milosztben teterümtevé elevé miü isemüküt, Adámut, ës odutta vola neki paradisumut hazoá.  És mënd paradisumben volou gyimilcsiktűl munda neki élnië.  Héon tilutoá üüt igy fa gyimilcsétül.  Gye mondoa neki, mérët nüm ëneik.  „Isa ki nopun ëmdül oz gyimilcstüül, halálnek haláláal holsz.”  Hadlavá choltát terümtevë Istentűl, gye feledevé.  Engedë ürdüng intetüinek, ës ëvék oz tilvutt gyimilcstüül, ës oz gyimilsben halálut ëvék.  És oz gyimilsnek ul keserüü volt vizé, hugy turkukat migé szokosztya vola.  Nüm hëon mugánek, gye mënd üü fojánek halálut ëvék.  Horoguvék Isten ës vetevé üüt ez munkás világbelé, ës lëün halálnek ës pukulnek fészës mëndüü nem ének.  Kik ozuk? Miü vogymuk.  Hugy ës tiü látyátuk szüntükhel Isa ës nüm iggy embër mulchottya ez vermüt.  Isa mënd ozchuz járou vogymuk.  Vimággyuk Uromk Isten këgyilmét ez lélik ért, hugy jorgossun üü neki ës këgyiggyën ës bulsássa mëndüü bűnét.  Ës vimággyuk szent achszin Máriát ës boudug Michael archangyëlt ës mend angyëlkut hugy vimággyonok érëttë.  Es vimággyuk szent Petër urot, kinek odut hotolm oudonia ës këtnië, hugy ougya mënd üü bűnét.  És vimággyuk mënd szentüküt, hugy lëgyenek neki segéd Uromk szinë eleüt, hugy Isten iü vimádságuk miá bulsássa üü bűnét. Ës szoboducha üüt ürdüng ildetüítűl ës pukul kinzotujátüül, es vezessë  üüt paradisum nyugalmábeli, ës oggyun neki münyi uruszágbelé utot ës mënd jouben részet.  Ës këassátuk charmul: Kyrie eleison!  Szerelmes barátim!  Vimággyomuk ez szëgin embë lilkiért, kit Úr ez napun ez homus világ timnücébeleül mentë, kinek ez nopun testét tümettyük, hugy Úr üüt këgyilméhil Ábraám, Izsák, Jákob, kebelében helhëzjë, hugy birságnop jutva mënd üü szentii ës ünüttei küzikün jou feleül jochtotnia ileszjë üüt. Ës tiü bennetük!  Clamate ter: Kyrie eleison!









Látjátok, feleim, szemetekkel, mik vagyunk! Bizony por és hamu vagyunk.  Mennyi malasztban (kegyelemben) teremté először (Isten) a mi ősünket, Ádámot és adta vala neki a paradicsomot házul (lakóhelyül).  És a paradicsomban való minden gyümölcsből, monda neki hogy éljen, csupán egy fa gyümölcsétől tiltá el.  De mondá neki, miért ne egyék.  „Bizony amely napon eszel azon gyümölcsből, halálnak halálával halsz.” Hallá holtát az ő teremtő Istenétől, de feledé.  Engede az ördög intésének (ösztönzésének) és evék azon tiltott gyümölcsből.  És azon gyümölcsben halált evék.  És azon gyümölcsnek oly keserű vala a vize (leve) hogy a torkát megszakasztja vala.  Nem csupán magának, de az ő egész fajának halált evék.  Haraguvék Isten és veté őt e munkás (vesződséges, gyötrelmes) világba, és lőn (Ádám) a halálnak és pokolnak fészke, -- és az ő egész nemének (kárára kihatóan).  Kik azok?  Mi vagyunk.  Ahogy ti is látjátok szemete kkel.  Bizony egy ember sem kerülheti el e vermet.  Bizony mind ahhoz járók vagyunk.  Kérjük Urunk Isten kegyelmét e lélekért, hogy irgalmazzon ő neki és kegyelmezzen és bocsássa meg az ő minden bűnét.  És kérjük szentasszony Máriát és boldog Mihály arkangyalt és az angyalokat mind, hogy imádkozzanak érette.  És kérjük Szent Péter urat, kinek adatott hatalom az oldásra és kötésre, hogy oldja fel az ő minden bűnét.  És kérjük mind a szenteket, hogy legyenek neki segedelmére Urunk színe előtt, hogy Isten az ő imádságuk miatt bocsássa meg az ő bűnét – és szabadítsa meg az ördög üldözésétől és a pokol kínzásától, és vezesse őt a paradicsom nyugalmába és adjon neki a mennyei országba utat és minden jóban részt.  És kiáltsátok Urunkhoz háromszor: Kyrie Eleison!  Szerelmes barátim! Imádkozzunk e szegény ember lelkéért, kit az Úr e napon e hamis világ tömlöcéből kimente, kinek e napon a testét temetjük hogy az Úr őt kegyelmével Ábrahám, Izsák, Jákob kebelébe helyezze, hogy az ítélet nap eljővén az ő minden szentjei és felemelkedettei (választottai) közé jobb felől való odaiktatás végett felélessze őt! És ti benneteket is! Clamate ter: Kyrie Eleison.   






This old and, linguistically, very valuable document constitutes a fully understandable, well constructed linguistic relic of the Magyar (Hungarian) language, which proves the advanced status of our language as compared to the Indo-European languages.  It is well-developed; one could almost say perfect, devoid of any flourishes or foreign influences. This linguistic relic was not accepted by the „scholars” of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), as a well- developed linguistic document, of which the entire Hungarian nation could be proud, indeed could cite as a linguistic example.  In fact, any nation would be proud to own such a document. Every paragraph is clearly understandable even today. This should be especially worthy of recognition and should be emphasized, considering that the English language of Chaucer, which was written in the 14th century -- and has grown into a world language, -- cannot be understood today and requires decoding and explanation.

Hungarian linguists have degraded this fully-developed language, giving it all kinds of negative attributes, in order to demonstrate the advanced status of the Indo-European languages. Instead of giving it the praise it deserves, they ridiculed it and called it barbarian gibberish, a mixture stolen from foreigners.

They did not take into consideration, and even concealed the fact that, in the  Dark Ages, apart from the Greeks, the Magyars were the only people in Europe to possess their own writing system, the Székely-Magyar runic script, (rovásírás) which was destroyed by fire and arms as a pagan script when, at the same time, the „truly pagan Roman writing” (Susan Tomory) was forced upon us and the entire population of Europe, although the Roman alphabet was inadequate to express the Magyar sounds.

The adherents of the Finno-Ugric theory, especially the Hungarian proponents, state that the Homecoming Magyars of  A.D. 896 left their homes east of the Carpathians because they were chased out by the warring Pecheneg troops.  Thus, they stumbled into the Carpathian Basin and, all the while, they were living in total ignorance. They did not even have a language and, for this reason, they had to resort to stealing a language for themselves from the Western people and the Slavic population of the Carpathian Basin, who were supposedly numerous. Subsequently, they exchanged their dog-like barks  (they were called „the dog-headed folk” because if they did not talk, they must have barked) for some more human-like discourse. This was the birth of our barbarian language. The only thing the scholars could not understand was how the Székely-Magyar runic script could have been developed many thousand years earlier.  They never dared to bring up this subject.

As a young child, I listened with great reverence to my teacher’s explanation of the Halotti Beszéd (Funeral Sermon), which originated in the 1200’s. Our teacher explained its elevated language but placed the advanced culture of the western peoples onto a pedestal. I did not know at that time why, but I experienced a great sadness and felt that there was an inexpressible injustice. Knowingly, or instinctively, I blamed the foreign priests for the incorrect writing of words.  Of course I could not talk about this or properly express my uneasiness, since our teacher would probably have laughed at my objections. Later, as my views expanded, I recognized the cause of this inner pain. I became convinced that the teaching of the Hungarian culture in our country is anti-Hungarian and provides our enemies with the opportunity to continue to disparage us.

The Hungarian schools do not emphasize the great tragedy which befell the nation when the widespread literacy, made possible by the use of the Magyar-Székely runic script, became anathema and the runic script was ordered to be destroyed, as a  remnant of barbarism.  This became law at the suggestion of Pope Sylvester I. and was further supported by the decrees of St. István, King of Hungary.

With the destruction of our national writing system, our evolution was thwarted for at least a thousand years.  We have to remember that, in those days, there were no schools. The horse and buggy were the only means of transportation, and even this was restricted to poor roads. The universal acceptance of the Latin script therefore met with severe difficulties and it took a long time to disseminate. The removal of the nation’s own writing system made the people illiterate and rendered them equal to their western contemporaries. The goal of the Roman Catholic Church was to preach the superiority of the Church, which gave culture and literacy to the people of Europe. With this deed it presented itself as the benefactor of mankind and enjoyed this role.

At the turn of the century, literacy was the exclusive property of the priests and the Church. I have to absolve the foreign priests from my youthful indictment that they purposefully distorted the Magyar religious texts.  I now believe that, when they began to write down our texts as they heard them, the very primitive and distorted rendering of the texts was due to the very inadequate Latin-Roman alphabet, which lacks the following Magyar sounds:


á, cs, é, gy, í, ly, ny, ó, ö, ő, sz, ty, ú, ü, ű, zs


            The monks who wrote down the text did not speak the Magyar language, did not know about the Székely-Magyar runic writing and were ignorant of its ligatures. In order to render the Magyar sounds in a somewhat legible manner, they had to resort, even at this early time, to combining some Latin letters to express one Magyar sound, while in the Magyar runic script, there is a sign, a letter for each Magyar sound.

The Roman Catholic Church committed a sin, the results of which span a thousand years.  It committed an injustice against the truth, when it propagated the „truly pagan” Roman script (Susan Tomory) for widespread use.  We have to accept that this Roman script was pagan, since Rome had a pagan religion.

Relying upon Ferenc Badiny-Jós’ study entitled Az Istenes Honfoglalók (The Godly Conquerors) we can demonstrate that our ancestors followed a monotheistic religion and prayed only to the One Creator.

The Church persecuted this non-pagan people and declared them and their writing pagan-barbarian and, as such, it persecuted both the people and the writing. At the same time, it accepted the really pagan Roman writing. Who can understand this?



Opinion concerning the Halotti Beszéd:


“The first part of the Halotti Beszéd, this first remaining coherent document, demonstrates a surprisingly well-developed text, although it was written around A.D. 1200, at the same time as the Gesta of Anonymus. The threat of death was expressed in an almost poetic manner, with the triple repetition of the same word root: “You will die the death of deaths”. (Halálnak halálával halsz.) This shows the advanced state of the Magyar language of the time, its strength and conciseness. This funeral sermon is less foreign (Latinized), than most of the old texts. This probably comes from the fact that its writer freed himself from the Latin original. He must have written this speech from memory, as a free translation of the Latin original and so he was able to free himself from the Latin influence.”  (Dr. Ferenc Mihály)