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Transylvania is situated in middle Europe, in part of the Carpathian Basin, and has been inhabited by Hungarians since 985 AD. Even much earlier than this, several Székely tribes were living in the mountain regions of the Carpathians.

Following World War I, at the Trianon Peace Treaties, the eastern section of Hungary, Transylvania included, was given to Rumania, without consulting the Hungarian people, who formed the majority of the population, numbering at least 3-million in the Carpathian Basin.

Thus the more than one thousand year old Hungarian Kingdom was disrupted, causing oppression and hardship. The Hungarians in Transylvania were thrown into minority status, under foreign occupation, and as a result, were forced to suffer extreme discrimination and injustice.

The Hungarians and the Székelys of Transylvania possess a very ancient, rich colourful culture and background, which can be seen in every aspect of their lives. From the traditional house, richly decorated with carved wooden patterns and panels; the gateways - with individual carved patterns, sometimes painted (Székely Kapu); the bright attractive folk costumes - each district with its own style and colours, according to age old traditions; the unique palaces and churches, unmistakably "Székely" or '.'Magyar"; the very style and fibre of life itself; and finally, when life reaches its close, a wooden carved "Totem pole" headstone memorial (Kopja Fa).

The Hungarians of Transylvania have carried these traditions with them through many centuries, the Székelys being descended from the Sumerians in ancient Babylon and Mesopotamia. They migrated from this land towards the East (China and Mongolia), then to the beautiful Carpathian Region, where many Székely tribes have settled and lived for over 2,000 years.

Unfortunately, the present Rumanian policy of Forced Assimilation is rapidly stripping them of this magnificent culture. Even their "mother tongue" is under threat, all tertiary education is in Rumanian, personal names must be "Rumanised" in order to succeed, and births must be registered in Rumanian. (Sándor becomes Alexandru).

At present, our main objective is to create more public awareness of this rapidly deteriorating situation, so that people of conscience will be prompted to take positive action, to prevent the total destruction of these people and their ancient cultures.

Dr. Sándor Kolozsy reports on the catastrophic changes which have taken place in Transylvania since 1920, particularly during the regime of Ceausescu.  Since the end of his regime, the plan to annihilate the Hungarians and Székelys has continued, although in a less overt manner.


The Report on Transylvania,1980 is only a summary of the present situation in Rumania. Much more could have been said, but the overall pattern will emerge - of oppression, suffering and destruction.

Report on Transylvania, 1980.

During April and May 1980, while in Europe, we were fortunate to spend three weeks in Transylvania. (Rumania, today).

In these 21 days, we travelled over 6,000 kms by car. It was extremely distressing and at times heartbreaking, to observe at close hand the sorrowful, worn, disconsolate and hopeless expressions of the Transylvanian Hungarians.

Compared to a similar journey seven years earlier, it is indeed distressing to acknowledge that the Rumanians, by force, and with fire and iron, have destroyed and are continually destroying the life and culture of the three million Hungarians in Transylvania.

In every way and by all means possible, Rumania is determined to erase over 1,000 years of Hungarian possession, culture and history. Whenever and wherever possible, they are actually altering the history, firstly by leaving huge gaps and secondly, by gradually replacing it with their own version, at the same time carefully confiscating and destroying any contrary evidence. The culture is likewise being adapted and altered to blend into the Rumanian culture and everything is finally classed "Rumanian", regardless of the ethnic origin.

We witnessed large areas of deliberate and unwarranted destruction in both cities and villages - all in the name of 'progress' and 'modernisation'. In Nagyvárad (Oradea), whole sections and suburbs have been removed and replaced with huge, horrible, ugly 'concrete jungle' blocs.

As we moved deeper into Transylvania, we reached Kolozsvár (ClujjNapoca). We could hardly believe our eyes - whole streets and city sections have completely disappeared and are continuing to vanish day by day. Kolozs-Monoster, an old historical area, does not exist any more. The whole section is a mass of tall concrete bloc buildings, but only a few hundred Hungarian families have been housed between many thousands of Rumanians. The old Calvary church, (traditionally Hungarian) today is Rumanian. All the Hungarian tombstones from the churchyard have suddenly vanished during the winter. The few that do remain have been disfigured with hammer and chisel - here and there it is just possible to detect part of a Hungarian word. These tombstones were from 1700 and earlier. A slab of black marble, which was fastened to the wall of the church, containing the names of Hungarian soldiers lost in battle, has disappeared without trace. When questioned, a few people said - "It was there - we have seen it at the beginning of winter", but now it has gone, forever.

All that remains of Hostath in Kolozsvár, is one very short street, not more than seven or eight Houses, whereas seven years ago, there were still many hundreds of Hungarian families living in this district. The Hostathy people are traditionally market gardeners and have always supplied the city with vegetables, but no longer - they have no more land for gardens; the people that remain mostly work on a collective farming system.

I n order to force them out, they have been punished, threatened and harrassed continually, until in utter defeat (as most of them are already past middle age) they have signed their properties and land over to the Rumanian Government. As for example

they will receive a mere pittance of 35,000 Lei, which is only one third of the true value of the property - however, the new concrete bloc unit, (the only alternative) will cost 150,000 Lei and they have no money or income to cover this enormous gap. They will receive no pension because of their trade as market gardeners. They have in fact been condemned to perish! Already they are the living dead, and many of them find release only in self destruction - either rat poison or the rope. Hardly a week passes without a funeral from Hostath, Kolozsvár, their depression and oppression is so great, although I tried constantly to encourage them, saying - "Dear brothers, do not lose your faith and hope" - they just sighed and pleaded -

"Dear Sándor, what can we do, where can we go? In our old age we are cast out into the street, in our own ancestral homeland!"

Since this visit, we have received the sad news of the deaths of a dear uncle and aunty (husband and wife) who could no longer stand the pressures, so have taken their own lives in Kolozsvár.

In Kolozsvár, all the suburbs are receiving this same treatment - the question is only- when?

From the Cross to Jánosfalva, they will tear everything down, whole streets and buildings have already been marked. The people are distressed and crying helplessly many times I heard the words - "We will never leave here alive."  From this city Kolozsvár, 20,000 to 30,000 Hungarian families will be relocated in other districts in Rumania.

Seven years previously, Kolozsvár was still the largest Hungarian ethnic city; today less than 30% are Hungarian. In the early part of 1980, more than 30,000 Rumanians were moved into Kolozsvár - with huge numbers of bloc buildings being pushed ahead at breakneck speed - this mass infiltration and resettling of people is being carried out simultaneously throughout Transylvania. This huge restless pack of people are continually on the move, searching for food, from early morning to late evening, as there was an extreme shortage of essential fresh foods.

Apart from the King Mátyás statues, there are now no more sculptures left to remind the people of their Hungarian heritage and past - the memories will gradually fade. This re-education is being systematically organised in all Transylvania, with the gradual removal of famous Hungarian heroes and steady replacement with the Rumanian counterparts - invented where necessary.

They have finally discontinued the teaching in the schools of the rich cultural heritage and background of the Hungarian people. According to the present textbooks, over 1000 years are a total blank. The fact that Transylvania was part of Hungary for well over 1000' years is totally ignored and disregarded. Instead the false Rumanian hero statues and documents are scattered everywhere. In Kolozsvár, the Rumanian Vitéz Mihály has a much larger monument than the Hungarian King Mátyás, although Vitéz Mihály never was in Kolozsvár - he did not manage to reach there because Báthory beheaded him in Torda, for murdering the father of Báthory, in 16th C.

Departing from Kolozsvár towards the south through Abrudbánya to Hunyadvár, we found only a few Székely Gateways, painted in a blackish colour, whereas seven years earlier, there were many, many hundreds all the way along the road. Of course, at that time, the old 1000 year old rough road still existed too. As the modern concrete road replaced it, the typical Hungarian villages disappeared, gone forever, as the Rumanian population settles in and takes control. Gradually, as the days pass, the typical buildings and gateways are removed, the people are scattered, Hungarian is no longer spoken in public places, street signs and shop signs are all Rumanian, schools become Rumanian speaking.

In Transylvania, the old traditional home of the Kopja Fa, (tombstone) we searched all the cemeteries in vain, only a handful remain. Not so long ago, there were many thousands of these beautiful artistic wood carved memorials. These ancient headstones have been totally removed and destroyed, many have been used as firewood by the Rumanians, who seem to despise anything Hungarian and try to annihilate whatever and wherever possible. Only a few have been preserved for posterity, usually by the parish priests, the church being the last remaining Bastion or Stronghold for the Hungarian culture.

During this journey, many times we just gazed at each other helplessly, in utter disbelief - with tears in our eyes, as we wondered how so much destruction could have occurred in such a short seven years. .

After our experiences in Kolozsvár, we should not have been surprised any longer. In a matter of hours, whole streets can be demolished and removed, with 100 or 200 trucks. As far as the operation does go, the complete lack of opposition or resistance by the Hungarian population, perhaps in ignorance or fear, seems to have escalated the whole process. (By ignorance we mean, the complete lack of knowledge of the magnitude of the situation, how widespread and far reaching it really is).

The whole surroundings give the impression of a military invasion, in a large triangle, Kolozsvár, Temesvár and Brassov. It is not advisable or healthy to speak or understand Hungarian in those regions - surprisingly enough, even German is more acceptable and preferable to Hungarian. This is a sad situation, when one is not permitted to speak his own language in his ancestral homeland.

In almost all instances, the Rumanian and German languages are dominating. But why? The more than three million Hungarians (without counting Székely Fold) are allowed only one hour each week Hungarian Television, whereas the 400,000 German speaking people have three hours each week. Radio programs are broadcast one hour daily in Hungarian, whereas the German population have their own programs every day.

Our experience and knowledge in Transylvania today has shown that the Rumanians and German Saxons, who have settled in the area much later, are dictating and dominating the original Hungarian inhabitants. The landlord has become less than a servant in his own home.

"0, you poor cursed nation, descendants of Atilla, how far you have descended!" As we journeyed closer to Brassov, in the east, we felt somewhat brighter, expecting the Great Hungarian Universities, and a large Hungarian population. We soon saw the large University Tableaux displayed in the shop windows, as is the custom. Looking through more than 300 photographs in vain, we did not find one Hungarian name. When I wished to speak to people, I was quickly and quietly told (in Hungarian) "Hungarian is forbidden". Realising the situation, we decided not to remain in the area.

Travelling towards the North, we suddenly saw a beautiful Székely Kapu Gateway beside the Highway. "God has brought you to Székely Fold". At this greeting, the dark shadows began to clear, and we felt a little more cheerful. An old woman sat in front of the cottage, by the roadside. I asked her, "Do you speak Hungarian?" Many times this same question has met with hostility, fear, uncertainty! "Yes, yes, my dear son," she answered, "Where did you all come from, dears?" "From Australia", I answered.

She was convinced that it must be Austria, and only when I had finally drawn a map to show where Australia is - "Such a long distance!" - She could not grasp the concept at all! .

That tired bent old lady came over to the cemetery. We walked around to see some traces of the past, then she sent us on our way, into the heart of Székely Föld.

Székely Föld is the last remaining sanctuary for the Hungarian people. This small triangle, bounded by Brassov, Borszék and Marosvásárhely, in the heart of Rumania, surrounded by the giant circle of Rumania, and that circle is continually constricting and closing In, as the days go by. In this area, we did not find so many German Saxons, or Rumanians. It was almost like being in old Hungary again, all the people everywhere spoke Hungarian quite freely, but we wondered, for how much longer? Because we cannot escape the fact that this is Rumania today, so it is only a matter of time!

Even here, our visit was not without drama or incident, because after visiting the old Székely Museums, we were asked to attend a funeral - a Hungarian family, father,mother and child, who had been beaten to death by Rumanians in Brassov City Markets.

In neighbouring villages of Székely Föld, we found similar stories told, of incidents caused by the oppression and the forced assimilation of the Hungarian peoples.

As our journey continued through Sovata, Korund, Marosvásárhely back towards Kolozsvár, we passed through dozens of villages, with hundreds upon hundreds of houses, wooden carved gates, typical Székely style - all doomed and condemned to be demolished. These unique and unusual country houses and gates are rotting, decaying and in many instances almost falling down. We were curious - why don't the people look after these old historical reilics, which are part of their heritage and background? The answers came back repeatedly, in almost identical tones - they are forbidden to repair them.

Of course, if these beautiful, heavily carved wooden items are not repaired, finally the weather relentlessly destroys, until such a state of decay and disrepair is reached, tnat it must be condemned and removed, which is just another way of hastening the destruction of the Hungarian minority, and their beautiful culture.

In this massive plan of Rumanisation, which is even now pushing further ahead, not only are the Rumanian people promoting the plan. There are many mixed breed or even Hungarian-born inter-marrieds, who are anxious to integrate the nations into one, and to wipe out all trace of the Hungarian character and background. Naturally those who are loyal to this cause are well rewarded for their efforts, so will find nothing to complain of - they have feathered their nests well. Even the country's leader and family live in a palace, so the situation and suffering, caused by this inhuman policy, is of little concern to them.

Since I had been warned of these "traitors" or "informers", we took every care, during our journey, to avoid any suspicious characters where possible. Unfortunately, there are now many who are aiding and assisting the Rumanian designs, completely disregarding the suffering of their kinfolk. I can only say "they have their reward".

Definitely, we must admit, it is a well planned and carefully thought out design - by constant pressure and aggression, to eventually wipe out all trace of the noble race of the Hungarians in Transylvania - the language, culture, history, historical buildings, houses, relics, wherever they are preserved, they are adjusted, assimilated and labelled "Rumanian".

Prior to the Second World War in 1938, there were 28 typical Hungarian villages in the beautiful valleys of Transylvania Kalatoszeg - today there are barely five - the rest have become Rumanian towns.

Wherever I travelled, quickly realising the mood of my people, I tried to give hope and courage, to keep their spirits up, to have faith. I tried to assure them that they are not alone in their struggle to survive and retain their identity. The Hungarians of the world will do and are doing everything possible to save them from final and total destruction.

For a brief second they showed a faint glimmer of hope, a touch of a smile of joy, that somebody cared. However, the burdens and constant pressures of their daily lives are so severe, their spirit has been crushed and broken. Even as I watched, the masks of hopelessness, despair and sorrow once again covered their faces.

They are afraid to hope!

One fact has become very clear. A statement made by the leader of the country, Nicolai Ceaceascu -

 "In ten years there will not be any Transylvania question!"

As things stand at present, this is quite true. Consider that with 200 heavy army type trucks, whole streets can be demolished and carted away within hours. At the same time 20,000 to 30,000 people can be relocated from area to area in a matter of weeks.

Certain other factors are frighteningly clear

* The Hungarian language is being rapidly abolished from tertiary education.

 * All official or key managerial positions are being filled only by Rumanians.

* The History of Transylvania has been deleted from the school text books, and is gradually being re-introduced in a much altered Rumanian version.

* Hungarian children are being taught that they are an inferior race, that the Rumanians have possessed the land for over 3,000 years (which is a gross distortion of the true facts).

Considering all these facts, Rumania does not need ten years. In a much shorter time, left unchecked, they can root out, destroy and rebuild their new society, based on falsehood, on the ashes and ruins of the Hungarian Transylvanians.

"All that is necessary for the survival of evil, is that good men do nothing. "

Facts on the Rumanians.

Today Rumania is spending millions of dollars on propaganda to promote the idea of Rumanians having lived continually in Transylvania for over 3,000 years. This is a major part of their policy for Rumanisation and forced assimilation of minorities. If they can succeed in this false doctrine being widely believed and accepted, it makes their other plans much easier to implement.

Their most popular argument is that the Rumanians are the descendants of the Dacians, and have lived continually in Transylvania for 3,000 years, but the fact is, they arrived in the area only from the 12th Century on, in a gradual infiltration.

The Ancient race of Dacians were involved in many battle skirmishes with the Romans around 106 AD. Trajan, Emperor of Rome, hastened to Dacia (Transylvania) to offer a peace treaty, which the Dacians rejected. A furious battle commenced, and continued for many months, until the Romans emerged victorious, captured the King Decibal, cut off his head, and paraded it on the streets of Rome, in a Victory March.

From this defeat, nothing more is recorded of the Dacians in Transylvania. Any survivors left the area entirely.

The first history of the "Vlachs" (Rumanians) is recorded in the 12th Century, when they, as mountain shepherds and goat herders from the Balkans, began to wander into the mountains of Transylvania in search of pasture for their herds. Thus, even if they are descended from the Dacians, which is highly improbable and certainly not proven, they have not lived in Transylvania continually for 3,000 years.

The Hungarian Transylvanian Princes encouraged them as cheap labour and during the following 700 years, they increased and multiplied. Under Hungarian Rule, they had complete freedom to exercise their ethnic origin and culture.

At the end of the 18th Century, the first Rumanian Government was formed, and they  became a nation.

At the end of World War I, in the Treaty of Trianon, 1920, Transylvania was given to Rumania, which has falsely claimed a Rumanian majority for the area, but never proved.

Many books and documents have been written on this subject, as so many people feel that a grave injustice has been dealt to Transylvania, and to the three and a half million Hungarians living within the borders. 


Written by - Alex Sándor and Marilyn Rae Kolozsy de Kolozs






Harken Europe! The entire world should listen

 and heed the echo of hell,

come from the bowels

of an imprisoned people

whose voice has not been heard

on the radio.


Churches are burned down.

Their bells won't sound any more

or just for a tiny tocsin.

Transylvania's tortured people

the Szekelys are shrieking.

The hatred of the Rumanians against them

 now overflows Rumania's border

and seeps into the States of America

in the shape of a new review

to camouflage their own cruelty.

Now the Rumanians are cursing

calumniating and spraying hatred

on the Transylvanian Hungarians.


The whole world should harken

and listen to the voice of Transylvania!

The bitter pain of its people is like gushing lava.

 Harken Europe to their S.0.S.:

"In Transylvania, the ancient nest

of Hungarian culture is plundered.

Our last hour has arrived.

Save us, save us, save us!

Our ancient time is over.

We are forced to change our Hungarian names.

 Our homes are destroyed.

He who does not speak Rumanian cannot work.

 Our schools are not bilingual any more,

only the Rumanian language can be used.

 They apply ruse everywhere to suppress the Hungarian.


Our mother tongue is condemned to silence.

Our mothers don't bear children anymore

this is our greatest pestilence."


Great world, judge it yourself,

do we not deserve any pity from anyone?

The Rumanians are not happy nowadays in Transylvania either.


 Their country is also a victim of tyranny.

The land where every mountain path was free before, 

and where justice and law reigned,

does not exist any more.


In ancient times, they came from the Balkans without trouble.

 They pastured their herd

and occupied more and more territories.

They could wander from the South to the North, the East to the West,

when they were forced by drought,

or they wanted to escape from military service.


This we tolerated without gainsaying

and forebodings,

and what is even more,

invited them like cuckoos into our nest.


 Rumania only became an independent nation a few hundred years ago.

And now she's throwing dust in the eye of the world,

by saying that they were there before the Hungarians,

and thus have the right to suppress and liquidate them.


The fact is that Rumania

has gotten her actual existence

from the Russians:

Now she makes trouble for everyone, especially the Székelys.

She flatters the Red Chinese

and gives treacherous kisses to everyone like Judas did.


Justice should finally be done.

This part of Hungary for a thousand years

should belong to Hungary again.


Help us, people of the great world!

We implore you.

The edge of our own sword got nicked

from the many battles we fought

against other enemies during our millennial history.


We cannot see all this with folded arms.

The fate of our compatriots

cannot leave any Hungarian painless and helpless.


Hungary is still a friendly nation,

Which loves its traditions, "

respects its past, cares for its language,

faith, schools and humanism.

Our slogan even now is this:

"Only love, peace, justice can assure another millennium".


Look at the map:

Hungary is a geographical unity,

its eastern border is the Carpathian Mountains.

 Its culture goes back to the Stone and Bronze ages.


From its earliest times

it attracted many a people from everywhere without any discrimination.

Hungary was living in peace

with the Slavs, the Germans, the Austrians,

the Rumanians:


 Everybody could get enough soil to cultivate, and this soil became his native soil,

everybody could even get a job in the Hungarian government.


The two world wars put down the country.

There came Trianon after the first

and Yalta after the second.

An innocent nation was sacrificed,

and a great part of its territory given away

as a game-bag.

Even Helsinki couldn't bring any change,

Despotism seems never to end.

The Hungarians were never asked

when other people decided their fate.

 Therefore, we once again beg justice

before the entire world's consciousness.

Don't say, this case has been solved.

The Rumanians are now holding

in their hands a dangerous and deadly scythe.

Transylvania has become a country of inhuman genocide.


And you peoples of the Carpathian Mountains,

the Balkans, the Danube and the Tisza,

who had for a thousand years a common hard

destiny, listen to the rattle of the heroes in their throat.

This rattle should awake you and make you pray:


"Thy reign come".

May Transylvania, Romania and Hungary live in peace.


May they understand this truth:

Each nation has a right to its existence.

The measure to judge other nations

should be the same for everyone.

We are all created for a more humane life,

we are made to be free.

This is our God-given right.

Don't let us live by the "dentem pro dente"

of the Ancient Testament.

Now, we are already living in the epoch of

the New Testament.

That's a new covenant.


Sumerians, Székelys, Rumanians,

Huns, Turks, Petchenegs and Magyars,

we are all mingled peoples.

However, in Transylvania,

the most ancient cultured people are the

Székelys, descendants of the Sumerians and Scythians.

Don't look for a continuous bloodshed,

you who should be thankful to Hungary.

your leaders studied with scholarships in this country.

Your banks lent money easily to buy its land,

 whereas the Szekelys remained poor.

They were only good for fighting your enemies.

The Hungarians gave you the first Bible in your language

for governing your country in its spirit.

But you still could keep on believing in



And now, you want to extirpate the Székelys?

 Wake up Europe. Accomplish your duty!

Do something against this tyranny.

Also open your eyes, you, the Soviet Union,

 and you, China and Japan,

Who still count us as human beings.

If the West cannot fulfill its duty,

It should be done by the Far-East.

Let the Sun of Freedom shine upon Transylvania.


We who lived in Transylvania before,

lived there in peace unending.

Now, young people spread out

everywhere in the Western Hemisphere

learn this truth by themselves.

Only love and freedom can bring peace.

Only hard work brings good results:

 And not profit-hunger!


National egotism creates only tyrannies,

genocide, zero-population growth and selfishness.


And little by little,

strong nations and great peoples disappear

from the stage of history.

And who is responsible for this?

The United Nations!

Yes, but not alone and not only!

The consciousness of each man too!

And that of each ordained priest's, bishop's,

clergyman's and minister's.

Who is responsible for this?

Each politician who is not an agent of war,

who is not putting oil on the fire wherever he can.


 Everyone of us who looks for a better future,

 everybody who knows this truth:

"Mankind deserves a better life!"

Each nation is still free

and is not selfish, and self-centered,

 condemned to silence and dares open his lips

whenever his sense of responsibility calls for it!

Therefore let's go forward hand in hand.

Our citizenship or our membering in a party,

our sex, our age, and our race:

None of these can divide us,

if we want the same thing: "A more human life" for everyone of us.

Each nation should have the right

to develop its own culture,

to run its own schools,

to serve its own people,

the people of the Far-East

as well as the people of Africa.

Why should we be an exception to this rule

in Europe?

This was always the stand-point of the Old Transylvania,

now forgotten or misunderstood in Rumania.

Let us understand each other

since we are cultured people.

Who could blame us that we were born Hungarians?


God certainly had his own plan

when He graciously created us,

when He made his blue-print for us like for other nations.


The Székelys' culture goes back

to the Stone and Bronze ages.

They had their runic writing from ages immemorial.

They are descendants of the Sumerians and Scythians.


Their culture and language

belong to these ancient cultures and languages.

"If we protect this people from genocide,

we save a great people, a great culture ".

Help us, people of the whole world!

Let Transylvania become what it was.

Let the Székelys be protected from the

Rumanians' cruelty.

 Let them keep their old faith in God.

Let there be peace in the Carpathian Mountains

 Let the Rumanians, the Magyars and the Székelys

live in freedom, and with other nations too

in contented unity!